professional ENGAGEMENTS



Area Chair, Sociology, 2023- Present

Vice Chancellor’s nominated member of the Academic Integrity Committee / Committee for Prevention of Unfair Means, 2022 – 2023; 2023 – 2024

Vice Chancellor’s nominated member of the Centre for Legislative Education and Research, 2023 – 2024

Vice Chancellor’s nominated member of the Wage Indicator Research Lab @FLAME, 2023 – 2024

Vice Chancellor’s nominated member of the Development Activity Program Committee (Institute level), 2022-2023

Mentor, Discover India Program, 2022-2023

Mentor, students of UG 1 and UG 2, 2022-2023; 2023-2024





Member, Board of Studies for Digital Humanities, S.P. Pune University, India

Editorial Board Member of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, Springer Nature, 2023 -present.

Editorial Advisory Board Member, Women Community Leaders and Their Impact as Global Changemakers, IGI Global, Forthcoming in April 2022 ( papers/call-details/5436)

Reviewer for DH2022 Conference

Conference Co-Chair for Workshops, The 6th IEEE Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2020,

Workshop Organizer, International Workshop on Big Data in Culture, Design and Heritage, The 5th IEEE Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) 2019,

Member, Editorial Board, Social Science Review, Institute for Research and Publication (IRP) Journals, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017 – Present

Reviewer for various international journals in Humanities and Social Sciences



International Sociological Association; Digital Humanities Alliance for Research and Teaching Innovations; The Association for Computers and the Humanities; Indian Sociological Society; ISA RC-15 Sociology of Health; ISA RC- 32 Women in Society