Flagstaff Academy Library Resources

Flagstaff Academy offers students, parents, and teachers a variety of Safe Searching Resources to help facilitate learning, curiosity, and research. Our Safe Searching Resources were chosen to help students navigate online resources in a student friendly environment. Below you will find a brief introduction to each and additional Safe Searching Resources offered by the community.

Destiny Quest is where students can search for titles in Flagstaff Academy's Library. Simply type your topic in the Find search bar to locate fiction and non-fiction titles.

A database is a collection of information in one location. Information is organized so that it can be easily accessed. Flagstaff Academy offers students, parents, and teachers twelve databases. There is a database for all areas of interest and every age level. Click on Databases above to discover a world of information, satisfy your curiosity, and/or begin your research.

Flagstaff Academy's Library has created a multitude of pathfinders in order to help students begin research on a particular topic. Our goal is to help students navigate the research process by providing links to websites that are useful, relevant, and reliable. Click on Pathfinders above to start your research on a particular topic.

Public Libraries

Don't forget that your public library also has safe searching resources and they are totally FREE to anyone with a library card. If you don't have a library card please visit either the Longmont Public Library or your High Plains District Library branch and the clerks there will be happy to help you.

For Longmont Residents

For Erie & Frederick Residents