ラッフルチケット抽選通過番号 Preliminary raffle draw


二次抽選に来られた方が少なかったので追加抽選を行いました。一次抽選または追加抽選に当選された方は、先着順で賞品をお送りしますので、チケットの写真とともに、賞品の送り先の郵便番号、住所、氏名を app-support@fitforcharity.org に件名「raffle」でお送りください。賞品の発送を持って発表とします。締め切りは2022-12-21です。

Important Notice

Fewer than expected showed up at the final draw, hence an additional draw was conducted. Winners of either the preliminary draw or the secondary draw will get prizes on the first come, first served basis by sending their shipping postal code, address, and name to app-support@fitforcharity.org (Subject: raffle) together with a photo of the winning ticket. The deadline is Dec 21, 2022. Winners will be notified by delivery of their prizes.

一次抽選通過番号 Preliminary Draw Winners

231173, 256518, 256519, 256604, 944047, 944064, 944067, 944160, 944204, 944233, 944234, 944276, 944285, 944286, 944417, 944455, 944755, 944881, 945079, 945174, 945181, 945214, 945238, 945291, 945298, 945316, 945329, 2824140, 2824161, 2824174, 2824175, 2824176, 2824191, 2824272, 2824342, 2824377, 2824437, 2824448, 2824461, 2824766, 2824817, 2824846, 2824942, 2825062, 2825074, 2825121, 2825140, 4966856, 7129231

追加抽選通過番号 Additional Draw Winners

231099, 231723, 256338, 256339, 256341, 256525, 256596, 944016, 944022, 944051, 944221, 944232, 944265, 944288, 944336, 944379, 944415, 944624, 945058, 945062, 945195, 945203, 945206, 945223, 945243, 945292, 945461, 2824102, 2824113, 2824201, 2824223, 2824239, 2824240, 2824263, 2824275, 2824353, 2824378, 2824379, 2824383, 2824408, 2824410, 2824505, 2825106, 2825125, 2825134, 4966848, 7129016, 7129097, 7129705, 7129705