
The Empty Campus

The Podcast

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Episode 1: Spring Break

Episode 1 explores how members of Fitchburg State's community learned about the Covid-19 pandemic and university closure.

Episode 2: College From Your Living Room

In Episode 2, members of the Fitchburg State community attempt to continue their studies, teaching, and work from home during the spring 2020 lockdown.

Episode 3: The Essentials

When the Fitchburg State campus went silent in March 2020, it remained so for months to come. But its emptiness belied the continued pace of work and change. In Episode 3, Fitchburg State administrators, staff, faculty, and students reflect on the difficult decisions made during the pandemic all while feeling isolated. 

Episode 4: Extracurriculars

Episode 4 looks at how student life continued even with the shift to remote and Covid-19 protocols, including campus culture, student activities, organizations, and athletics. 

Episode 5: Back to School

In Episode 5, students, staff, and administrators reflect on their experiences with Covid-19 policies with the return to campus in Fall 2020 and as the community looks to the endemic stage of the pandemic.

Postscript: On Digital Public History and Perseverantia's Future


Executive Producers: Steve Olson, Maddie Waterson

Project Manager: Joe Cautela, III

Editorial Team: Ronan Cords, Nicholas Green, Emily Klein, Francesco Campione, Dillon Granberg, Nathaniel Felix

Web Development and Image Curation: Mary Kate Moreau, Jessica Patel, Leah Williams, Chris Morales

Content Manager: Geena Duval 

Library Liason: Benjamin Hill

Licensing and Ethics: Dana Cisowski

Hosts: Maddie Waterson, Steve Olson, Benjamin Hill

Original Theme Music Composed by Ronan Cords

Produced by the Honors Seminar in History, Spring 2022, Professor Katherine Jewell.