June 28th -July 2nd, 2021

Mexican Astro-Particle School (MAPS)

Universidad de Guanajuato

Online event

The aim of this school is to provide theoretical, computational and experimental tools to students, posdocs and researchers, interested in answering fundamental questions on astroparticle physics confronting theoretical models with observations and experimental data.


MAPS is part of MexiCOPAS which is composed by two independent sections: the basic/intermediate and the advanced.

MAPS (Advanced)

The advanced section is for advanced graduate students who want to achieve a further degree of specialization. It consist in a combination of lectures and projects to be developed.

Monday 28-Friday 2


The intermediate section consists of a set of seminars from experts working in mexican institutions covering topics related to astroparticle and particle physics

Thursday 1 and Friday 2


The basic section is meant to teach last year undergraduates the general courses needed for astroparticles, string theory, gravitation and cosmology

Monday June 28 until Wednesday June 30


Dra. Catalina Espinoza


Dr. Mauricio Bustamante

Niels Bohr Institue

Dr. Eric Vázquez


Dr. Eduardo Peinado


Dr. David Delepine


Dr. Carlos Vaquera


Dra. Argelia Bernal


Dr. Humberto Martínez Huerta

Universidad de Monterrey

Dr. Omar Miranda Romagnoli


Dr. Juan Barranco


Dr. Mauro Napsuciale



Mexican Astro-Particle School is part of MexiCOPAS which is a biannual event usually held in the city of León, at the University of Guanajuato.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year the event will be held virtually.


Deadline to register: June 20, 2021

Later applications may be accepted if there to the discretion of the organizing committee. Therefore, we encourage everyone to register before the deadline.

There is no registration fee for students

Researcher’s (including posdocs) registration fee = $2,000 pesos. If really needed, a fee waiver may be requested by email to gfm@fisica.ugto.mx .

To register fill out the form of the following link https://forms.gle/3rzRWj4WCcNv6vBm8