Unit 3 Landscape

Overall objective:

In this unit you will explore adding color to the value, shape, and lines that you have spent all semester building your skills.

You will create a portfolio of many artworks that show your understanding of :

  • How to use tints and shades to create atmospheric perspective

  • How to draw trees and landscapes using the techniques presented.

Click Infographic to enlarge

Art Critique

(Summative Assessment)

Watch this Loom

Follow these directions -

  1. Examples: Read the Teacher and Student Examples below:

  2. Artists: Choose a landscape painting by one of these artists: (If you find another artist you would like to use, please show it to Ms. Russo first.

Only Use Google Arts and Culture for your search

  • George Inness,

  • Sir Arthur Ernest Streeton

  • Frederic Edwin Church

  • Alfred Sisley

  • Paul Cezanne

  • Thomas Cole

  1. Write your art critique in Google Slides: Use the Infographic. Answer all the questions in each of the sections.

    • Estimated Time: 3 Lessons

      • 15 min. Research Artwork on Google Arts and Culture

      • 25 min Describe Section

      • 25 min Analyze Section

      • 25 min Interpret Section

      • 25 min Evaluate Section

      • 20 min Proofread, Design your Google Slide Deck

      • 10 min Submit on Google Classroom and Add a link on to your Process Portfolio

      • Finished Early, Click here

  2. Resources to help you:

    • Art Vocabulary to help you with your writing and understanding.

    • Atmospheric perspective: Objects in the background are lighter and less detailed.

Art Critique-teacher example

Teacher Example

Art Critique-Student example

Student Example

Finished your Art Critique?


Explore Digital Coloring Books, Crosswords and games with Art and Sounds. Take screen shots of your Gaming experiments and add them to a slide on your Process Portfolio.

Options for the Landscape Portfolio

Tree Drawing Practice

Create a series of drawing of Trees in your sketchbook using the techniques in the video. ABCs

A: Asymmetry

B: Bifurcation

C: Caffeination

C: Chiaroscuro

Tree Drawing with Oil Pastels

The same as above but n ow try to add color and color mixing.

Value landscape in 6 Zones Painting

Click to enlarge



Step 2: Practice Drawing Trees

Step 3: Practice Sketches and Composition

Get approval by 2 of your peers of your thumbnail compositions

Composition Types

Step 4: Sketch the 6 Zones on the painting paper

Sketch lightly- These examples also have the base color in zone 3

Step 5: Add Tints and Shades (You may want to practice)

Monochromatic Tree Painting

Follow the steps on the infographic

Landscape Drawing in 6 Values- Pencil

Reflection Questions-Landscape

How does the sense of atmospheric perspective (feeling of depth) in your painting compare to the landscape painting that you wrote about in your art critique?

Tints are colors with white added and shades are color with black added. Which do you think you were more successfully at mixing? Explain why?

Have your drawing of trees and landscapes improved? if so, describe how, if no, describe what you would need to help you improve.

Describe howyou used the A, B, Cs in your drawing of trees.