Ms. Sharp

Daily Agenda Breakdowns

For a day to day guides that lists out each day's lessons as well as links to the assignments that can be printed out and handed in by the student, please refer to the following links.

Google Classroom Codes and Syllabi

Junior Advisory:

All students are enrolled in a Google Classroom course specifically for advisory. Parents are encouraged to subscribe to receive weekly updates, if you cannot figure out how to subscribe yourself, don't hesitate to ask to be added directly.

English 9A:

Please refer to the syllabus for course information and policies.

English 9B:

Please refer to the syllabus for course information and policies.

Classroom code: raewzfe

English 11B:

Please refer to the syllabus for course information and policies.

Classroom code: oab5qmk

Creative Writing:

Classroom Codes:

  • Intro: 4re2y6c

  • Intermediate and advanced: g3q6mnw

Please refer to the syllabus for course information and policies.


Classroom code: oxvk5l (the last letter is a lowercase L)

Please refer to the syllabus for course information and policies.

Watch this video to see if you would like to take this class!