Google Classroom

Tips for using Google Classroom

As you may know Families don't actually get access to google classroom. What they get is a summary email for the classes. This is email has lots of information but can be confusing. Here is a link to some helpful info from google about Google Classroom and you can see what a summary looks like

Here are some tips:

  • Have your student show you their google classrooms

  • Copy and paste the info for each class into a separate google doc or google slide to help organize it

    • Create a page or section for each class

  • Questions to ask student about classwork

    • What did you do today?

    • Can you show the work your teacher gave you?

    • When is the classwork do?

    • Can you explain what you learned?

    • What resources did your teacher give you?

      • Can you show them to me?

Below is a quick video showing a real life example of a google classroom summary email; YouTube link to video