Mr. Moroz

English/History - English - 10, U.S. History - 11

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Period 1: English 10

Period 2: English 10

Period 3: Planning

Period 4: U.S. History

Period 5: U.S. History

Period 6: English 10

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Hello! I am Mr. Moroz one of your teachers here at Fife High School. I teach English 10, AVID 12 and US History. I also coach football and girls tennis. I do look forward to getting to know you all over the course of our time here, and I want to make this the best experience I can for you all!

About me - Did You Know?

  1. This is my 5th year at FHS

  2. I have a wife and 2 kids.

  3. My grandma graduated from FHS in 1941.

Teacher Contact - First and Last Name: Von Moroz

Email -

Phone: (253) 517-1100