Mrs. Render's classes

Columbia Junior High

Welcome to Mrs. Render's Class Website...

Thank you for dropping by! On this website, you will have access to important information, daily class assignments, classroom resources, and important announcements. For specific course information, such as daily assignments, please click on the calendar at the top.

PARENTS - I hope this website helps you stay up-to-date on your student's learning. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this site, and of course feel free to email me with any other questions you might have.

Also, your student has access to Google Classroom. This will list all of our assignments. We use this everyday in our class to stay on track. Please ask them to share our Google Classroom with you.


Mrs. Render



Phone: 253.517.1600 ext. 27141


  • NEED EXTRA TIME TO WORK? Join me during your core/flex time!

  • REMINDER: One week after the due date is the final deadline for turning in assignments! All students should be logging into Skyward DAILY to check for missing assignments and individual assignment scores.

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More calming videos to play while you work!