8th Gr. Homework

Week (04) of 9/16 - 9/20, 2019

Fri . Read the the "Source D" from the Columbus handout focusing on what the author claim and the evidence along with it. The work should be typed in the proper box from the "Columbus_notes" document (google classroom).




Mon: NO HW

Week (3) of 9/9 - 9/13, 2019

Fri . Remember to study for the US states test - Monday!

Thur: No School

Wed. No HW

Tue. No HW.

Mon: No HW

Week (02) of 9/3 - 9/6, 2019

Fri . No HW

Thur: No HW

Wed. Using any terms from the vocabulary to answer the L. Target question: "Why reconstructing the past is difficult?" - DUE THUR!

Tue. No HW.

Mon: Labor Day

Week (01) of 8/27 - 8/30/, 2019

Fri . No HW

Thur: No HW

Wed. No HW

Tue. No HW

Mon: No School

Week (14) of 11/26 - 11/30

Fri .




Mon: No School - Snow Day

Week (10) of 10/29 - 11/02

Fri .




Mon: Attempt to do the Ch.8 "Key Terms". Will go over in class

Week (9) of 10/22 - 10/26

Fri . Ch.8 ALL Notes must be completed!

Thur: N0 HW

Wed. No HW

Tue. Acrostic Poem DUE in class!

Mon: No HW

Week (8) of 10/15 - 10/19

Fri . "Would You Have Quit?" - assignment / due Sun. 10/21

Thur. No HW

Wed. Study for the Ch.7 Test & C.Notes to be collected in class (reminder: ques & summary)

Tue. Ch.7 Key Terms - due Wed. 10/17

Mon: No HW

Week (7) of 10/8 - 10/12

Fri . Complete the Ch.7 "Key Terms" on the google classroom - due Mon

Thur. Section 7 & 8 of Ch.7 if not done in class, must be completed @ home - due Fri

Wed. Section 4 & 5 of Ch.7 completed in class. Section 6 is HW - due Thur

Tue: No HW

Mon: No HW.

Week (6) of 10/1 - 10/5

Fri. No HW

Thur. Complete DOI reading handout.

Wed. Ch.6 Key Terms DUE (see google classroom)

Tue: No HW!

Mon: No HW!

Week (5) of 9/24 - 9/28

Fri. Complete Ch.6 ALL C.Notes - Due Mon

Thur. Complete C.Notes for Ch.6 sections 2,3,4,5. Due Fri 9/28

Wed. Was American Revolution avoidable? - Essay Due on 9/26

Tue: No HW!

Mon: No HW!

Week (4) of 9/17 - 9/21

Fri. Study for the quiz! - due 9/24 Mon

Thur. Complete the "Key Terms" handout - due 9/21 Fri

Wed. Review the Cues & Summary sections of the CN - due 9/20 Thur

Tue: Was the American Revolution Avoidable? C.Notes SQ3 due 9/19 Wed

    • "Columbus Essay" DUE!

Mon: Was the American Revolution Avoidable? C.Notes on SQ1due 9/18 Tue.