General Info

Course Objectives

Support ideas and inferences with textual evidence and research.

Review and strengthen grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary skills.

Read and analyze short stories, novels, and poetry for comprehension and content.

Participate in class discussions based on assigned literary texts.

Learn and utilize the elements of literature.

Engage in independent reading and complete journals based on selected books.

Use the six traits of quality writing to create structured essays and creative writing pieces, including poetry.

Grade Category Weights




All assignments use the following scale:

Score Descriptors:

100 Exemplary I am an expert in this skill and my work could be used as an example for others.

90 Strong I have shown that I can perform this skill above grade-level average.

80 Proficient I have shown that I have mastered this skill by demonstrating a consistent understanding and ability.

70 Developing I have some understanding of this concept, but I’m not yet demonstrating mastery and consistency.

60 Emerging I am still struggling to understand this concept and I need some additional support and examples.

50 Beginning I am not sure what I am supposed to understand or do and I need help from my teacher.

50M Missing/Incomplete I chose not to complete the assignment.

**Late Policy-I will accept late work without a deduction of points. However, if this becomes a habit, a 10 point deduction may be taken and/or the student may be assigned a lunch or after-school detention to catch up.