Dr. erenestina halili

Mrs. Erenestina Gjergji Halili was born in September 25th, 1971. From a young age, she was part of different cultural activities.

In 1989 she won the first national prize in the “Literature and it’s reflexes on art”. Mrs. Erenestina Gjergji Halili, studied at the Faculty of History and Philology, in the Department of Language and Literature, University of Tirana, where she also attended the academic journalism course.

During this time, Mrs. Erenestina, engages in the press organs of the time, with poetic creativity and writings about that time’s problems. She is also one of the students of the “December Movement '91”.

E-mail: erenestina.halili@fhf.edu.al; erestinahalili@gmail.com

Work Experience

In 1990-1991, she contributed as Culture Manager, in MTKRS (The Ministry of Culture) / Youth Federation.

In 1995, she was appointed as a journalist and speaker in the Department of Information at RTSH. And after a few years she was appointed the first editor - in - chief of the Information Department in RTSH, one of the most important posts in the television pyramid.

From 1995 to 1997, she was also a correspondent for the "REUTERS" agency in Tirana.

Being a political journalist in RTSH, has enabled her to be in the pursuit of the Albanian executive, following-up the activities of prime ministers in European Chancelleries and beyond, including events in international meetings such as: NATO Summit (US), White House, Washington, OSCE Summit(Istanbul), the European Parliament (Brussels), the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), etc.

In 2005, she is mentioned in the "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Albanian Journalists and Publishers", pg. 176.

Between 2002-2004, Ms. Erenestina Halili, contributes as Director General in a private RTV.

From 2006 - 2008 as the Director of the Cabinet in the Ministry of Health.

From 2008-2010, she is appointed Director of Public Relations in "IPER", and then lecturer at the Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana, where she still contributes today.

In 2012, Ms. Halili received the "Doctor of Philological Sciences” degree.

Ms. Erenestina Gjergji Halili, is the author of three books: "Gjama e erës", “Bibliography of the published Albanian Drama (the first study in the field of Albanian dramaturgy, in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, etc.), and a third book named "Bibulz".

Scientific activity

Dr.Erenestina Halili, is a participant in a number of national and international conferences, giving a new dimension to her scientific research activity on the field of literature. She was also a member of various editorial boards of scientific and cultural journals.

Sinse 2017, she is a member of the codirectory in International Seminar for Albanian Language, Literature And Culture.

Also, she is part of the editor’s board in “Jeta e Re” magazine, Pristine, Kosovo.


With the "Gjama e erës" book, Ms.Halili won the first prize at the National Book Fair, in Fier 2016.

Various scholars have evaluated the poetic and anthropological elements of the book, including it in their papers, as subject of different scientific and literary studies.

In 2017, with the "Bibulz" volume, she was evaluated by the Institute for the Protection of Albanian Culture in Austria, with the “Crystal Pen for Albanian Poetry".

In 2017, Mrs. Halili was also awarded with the "Albanian Excellence" title.

She is a registered member with full rights in the International Writers Association, Ohio, USA.

Her books are found in:

  • *Columbia University in the City of New York. Columbia University Libraries. NewYork, Ny 10027 United States.

*Library of Congress. Washington, DC 20540, United States.

*Kollektion: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB): Bibliothekskatalog. Datensatz-ID 14071961.ISBN: 9789951614153.

Bibliografia e dramës së botuar shqipe (1883-2017)

Bibliografia e dramës së botuar shqipe (1883-2017)

Gjâma e erës: poezi


Drama’s club activities

Dr. Erenestina Gjergji Halili is the founder of the 'Drama Club' at UT, an innovation in the Albanian university life, with rich literary and dramatic activity, taking place inside and outside of Albania.

She also has an official YouTube channel, in which she presents her creative work in English.
