Board of Directors
Florida-Georgia Lutheran Early Response, Inc. is volunteer organization. Volunteers are at the heart of our operations. That means our Directors are all volunteers. Our "members" are volunteers. The FGLER leadership is always looking for qualified and hardworking individuals to serve as Directors and in other leadership positions. If you are interested in serving in a leadership position, or know someone who may be interested, please let us know.
Nominations or inquiries can be sent to us at
Jim Rice
Director of Volunteer Engagement
Bill Langston
Sandy Bingham
Steve Lehenbauer
Director / SELC DDRC
Rev. ?? (Vacant)
Cathie Howe
Jay Wendland
FGLA District DDRC
Wm. "Rusty" Huseman
Legal Counsel
Director Qualifications
Our Bylaw list the qualifications to be a Director asL
Is at least 18 years of age.
Is an active member of a Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregation.
Is an active participant on LCMS Disaster Response’s Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT).
Is an active participant with Florida-Georgia Lutheran Disaster Response.
Is not related to, by blood or marriage, to another director; is not an employee, agent, or representative receiving compensation of FGLER.
Exhibits personal, spiritual, and ethical maturity.
Exhibits a strong work ethic, is dependable and reliable, willing to do the work.
Exhibits a desire, passion, and commitment to carry out the mission, ministry, purpose, and vision of Florida-Georgia Lutheran Early Response, and wants to see it succeed (believes in our mission, is a strong advocate).
Is willing to be an ambassador for the organization.
Has a positive attitude, is team oriented.
Does not have a conflict of interest (subject to review within the bylaws and policy).
Does not have a conviction for a felony, any offense involving theft, fraud, embezzlement, or involving children.
Understands that this is an unpaid position (except for approved direct expenses) that will require a commitment to active involvement.
Should have a personal or professional background and contacts that are of benefit to Florida-Georgia Lutheran Early Response.
Willing to submit to a background check.
Is able to make critical strategic, financial, policy, and operational decisions.
Should bring personal or professional skills needed to run a business.
Is willing to take on roles, responsibilities, and duties as a Director.
Consideration for a Director who may serve as Treasurer should include experience in bookkeeping and accounting.
Diversity of experience, background, and training across the board (we do not want a board of clones) to create a well-rounded board.
Note: FGLER does not discriminate based on race, color, gender, age, national origin (ancestry), social or economic factors, marital status, or military status, and the BOD should model that.
The FGLER Board of Directors generally meets online monthly. The last meeting of the year is our Annual Meeting. Meetings are open to non-Board Directors, and we welcome the participation of others - this work is a much bigger task than we Directors can do on our own! Your expertise and assistance are much needed and welcomed! Contact us for meeting information.