During the 2022-2023 school year, Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 leaders, the District Parent Advisory Committee, and the Board of Education worked on the 5-year District Effectiveness Plan to guide future decision-making and policy development. The process utilized five steps:

Step 1: Gathering Perspectives

The district initiated discussion with stakeholders to answer the following questions: Where are we now? Where are we going? How do we close our current gaps? The district utilized several data collection methods and data sources including: parent and student surveys, the previous District Strategic Plan, conversations with district committees, and regular improvement planning conducted with building leaders.

Step 2: Planning

In the planning stage, the district utilized the data and information gathered to establish District Effectiveness Priorities and identify potential challenges to fulfilling the district’s vision.

Step 3: Action

The action stage prioritizes the identified outcomes and determines what resources are available and additional resources that may be necessary.

Step 4: Validation

The validation stage involves periodic evaluations, both formal and informal, of progress over the next five years on District Effectiveness priorities.

Step 5: Revising Priorities

During the 2026 - 2027 school year, the District will conduct a comprehensive review of the success of the District Effectiveness Priorities and Action Steps and determine: Where are we now? Where are we going? How do we close our current gaps? What do we need to eliminate or add? These questions will be evaluated during future strategic planning.