Top Dawgs of Lee-Hamilton

"Outside of a book, a dog is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx

Ask Mr. Sanders about his dogs, and he will ask you about YOURS. When we were virtual during the 2020-21 school year, he had ONE simple rule about dogs on Zoom during library - they had to be with you. Grab a photo of you and your canine friend reading and it will be added to the gallery of Top Dawgs of Lee-Hamilton.

Mr. Sanders' Canine Companions

Kirby, b. 6-8-2020

Kirby gets his name from his mama's favorite football coach - the Georgia Bulldogs' Kirby Smart. Kirby is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who loves chasing tennis balls in his backyard, and, of course, college football gamedays.

Chesney, b. 12-2-2020

Chesney Stella Sanders gets her name from country artist Kenny Chesney and Granny Stella Sanders. She is a West Highland Terrier/Chihuahua mix, but her dad is convinced she's Westie and Possum. She is small but fearless, and she lets Kirby know it!

Click arrows to see the carousel!

Baron, 2005-2020

Baron was the first Cavalier in the family, and he lived a long, full life of nearly 15 years. By the time he crossed the rainbow bridge he had only a few teeth left and his heart was giving out in every way except unconditional love.

Annie, 2012 - 2021

Annie Belle, known as Annie Banana or Banana, came to us from a rescue in Illinois. She was smart, feisty, and totally "Daddy's Girl." Annie was attacked by a stray dog in her backyard on a January Sunday and we had to make the decision to let her go. We think of her every day.

Trixie, 2003-2014

Trixie can best be described as the kid on honor roll who is always in trouble. She was a Papillon/American Eskimo mix. Trixie died from cancer in 2014.

Penny, 1992-2005

Penny, the Cocker Spaniel, was 3 when she was taken from a puppy mill and adopted by her mama. In 1998, she met her daddy and it was love at first cuddle. Penny lived to 13 and has the honor of being the first Top Dawg of the Sanders family.