Sora is an app that you can use to read ebooks and audiobooks from the Cross Keys, St. Louis County, and Ferguson Libraries.
Sora is an app that you can use to read ebooks and audiobooks from the Cross Keys, St. Louis County, and Ferguson Libraries.
See below for step-by-step instructions for logging in to Sora and Video Quick Tips.
See below for step-by-step instructions for logging in to Sora and Video Quick Tips.
Sora Open and Add Local Libraries.mp4
Need some help logging in?
Need some help logging in?
To the left is a set of step-by-step instructions.
To the left is a set of step-by-step instructions.
If you still need help, send me an email: or try one of the quick tip videos below.
If you still need help, send me an email: or try one of the quick tip videos below.
Sora Quick Tip Videos
Sora Quick Tip Videos
Searching All Libraries for a Specific Book
Reading on Sora (bookmarks, shelf page, reading settings)
Reading on Sora.mp4
Borrowing and Returning a Book on Sora