Pilot Project
Pilot Project
Here you describe the state of the pilot project & training pointing out the target group the purpose and result. For each pilot project and training, You always provide the timetable of the teaching with teacher name with photo to show etc etc like done in the seminar phase 1. Proof of attending from students or teacher or employee has to be recorded
Training 0 : lyon 1 associate partner
Classical pilot project seminar phase 1 (EU support)
Training 1 in EU
Classical pilot project seminar phase 2 (Asian Trained teacher team)
Classical pilot project internship 1 (EU support) (internship or practical labs teaching)
Training 2 in Asia
Classical pilot project internship 2 (internship or practical labs teaching) (Asian Trained teacher team)
Vocational Pilot project
Cross pilot project
for more information( https://tinyurl.com/yaa689qy )
Vocational PLC Training

Seminar (Curriculum)
Seminar (Curriculum) @ Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Training to Trainer (Phosy to 5 Teachers)
Training to Trainer (Phosy to 5 Teachers)