
Maria João Melo

Ciência ID 3013-32B2-BD29 

ORCID 0000-0001-7393-6801

Scopus ID 57203050614

ResearcherID C-8594-2011

Maria João Melo is Full Professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA University of Lisbon. She is a researcher at LAQV-Requimte, being the head of the Cultural Heritage group. She is also a researcher at Institute of Medieval Studies at NOVA. After a PhD in Physical Chemistry, she decided to apply her expertise towards the conservation of works of art. At her return to Portugal in 1998, she participated in the creation of the Department of Conservation and Restoration at FCT-NOVA. She was its president (2017-19) and acts as the coordinator of its PhD Program CORES (funded by FCT-MCTES, 1.3 M€). She is the author of over 90 publications (Web of Science). She serves in the editorial board of Heritage Science and Dyes and Pigments.