
Vanessa Otero. 2023. "REDiscovering madder colours: Science & Art for the preservation and creation of cultural heritage". In Colour & Poetry: A Symposium V, United Kingdom: Slade Press, pp. 42-43.

2023 ICOM CC Valencia_madder.pdf

Vanessa Otero, Tiago Veiga, Artur Moro, Maria João Melo. 2023. "Between past and future: Using historically accurate reconstructions to preserve madder colours". In Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums. [Link] 


Leonel C. Silva, Vanessa Otero, Maria J. Melo, Eurico J. Cabrita, Luís Mafra. 2023. "What’s the Madder? Characterization of Old Fashioned Alizarin/Aluminum Red Pigments Using Liquid and Solid-State NMR". Colorants 2(4), 601-617. [Link] 


Tiago Veiga, Artur J. Moro, Paula Nabais, Márcia Vilarigues, Vanessa Otero. 2023. "A First Approach to the Study of Winsor & Newton’s 19th-Century Manufacture of Madder Red Lake Pigments". Special Issue Dyes in History and Archaeology 41.  Heritage 6(4), 3606-3621. [Link]