Syllabus :

Welcome to the United States History and Geography: Colonization to Reconstruction. This course provides an overview of early United States history. This program focuses on the study of the significant people and events that make up the history of our nation. You will learn about the ideas and issues that led to our independence and a new nation, and the challenges facing the people of that nation. You will examine our nation's founding documents- the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These documents express our nation's principles of government and the rights of citizens.

The importance of the knowledge and skills you gain this year extends well beyond your classroom. As Americans, we study our history not only to learn about the people and events that helped build our nation, but also to be prepared to live in a complex, interdependent world. Learning about our country's history helps us become better citizens. It helps us understand our own values and institutions, such as patriotism and government. We hope this program will help you succeed as a student and an informed citizen.

(United States History and Geography: Colonization to Reconstruction. Teacher's Edition Page 81, Copyright McGraw Hill 2020).

See the 2019-2020 Suggested Pacing Guide Below

8th Grade U.S. History Pacing Guide 2019