
Course Description

This course is designed to help students acquire and strengthen skills in grammar, vocabulary word studies writing and reading. Each week will consist of basic skills practice from various sources such as Daily Grammar Practice sentences (DGP), selections from a reading series, Measuring Up workbooks, Wordly Wise workbooks and textbooks provided in class as well as assignments found in Google Classroom. For reinforcement of the skills, daily vocabulary (DVP) pages will be assigned as homework. There will also be writing assignments periodically in class and may require additional time spent doing as homework as well.

Course Expectations

Students are expected to develop writing skills and to practice the conventions of standard English either through their writings or through various materials provided in the classroom.They will also be expected to work through the provided reading selections throughout the year. The students are expected to keep a Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) notebook that is required to remain in the classroom.

Schoolwide Expectations

PERRC (Perk)

*Prepared-Come to class with all materials needed.

*Engaged-Participate in all classroom activities.

*Respectful-Use appropriate language, follow directions, keep you hands and feet to yourself, treat others the way you want to be treated.

*Responsible-Be on time, do your work, clean up after yourself,dress appropriately, and maintain healthy relationships with your peers, parents, and teachers.

*Courageous-Learning something new takes courage. Do not be afraid to ask questions, help others when they need assistance, and be a leader.

Grading Plan

Grades are taken either on selected classwork assignments and tests. Both categories are weighted equally, allowing the student who keeps up in class to have the same opportunity to succeed as the ones who perform well on tests.

The Grading Scale:





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