Resources and Educational        Opportunities

Military OneSource

Military Kids Connect (MKC) is an internet-based platform catering to military youngsters aged 6-17. It grants access to resources tailored to their age group, aiding them in navigating the distinctive psychological hurdles of military existence. MKC furnishes informative exercises, beneficial video content, and an online forum fostering understanding, resilience, and coping mechanisms among military youth and their contemporaries.

Military Kids Connect

Military Kids Connect serves as an internet-based hub for military youngsters aged 6-17, offering access to resources tailored to their age group to assist in navigating the distinctive psychological hurdles of military life. Through informative activities, beneficial videos, and an online community, MKC endeavors to foster understanding, resilience, and coping skills among military children and their peers.

Military Child Education Coalition

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is dedicated to ensuring that each child connected to the military is equipped for college, the workforce, and life through comprehensive and high-quality educational opportunities. MCEC offers a range of programs and services tailored to the needs of military students and parents, including educational resources, assistance, and networking opportunities aimed at empowering military children.


The ASVAB Career Exploration Program aids in identifying and investigating various occupations while crafting a viable strategy to achieve those aspirations. This program incorporates a validated aptitude test and interest assessment to support your career exploration journey.