School Safety

Dress Code

Students may not wear clothing which advertises alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/or clothing that supports or implies violence or sexual activities. Students are not to wear clothing that is unduly revealing. Students are prohibited from wearing clothing or items containing derogatory expressions or language demeaning an identifiable person or group such as based on a person's race, color, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability that could disrupt or materially interfere with school activities. Students are prohibited from wearing head gear unless an exception is provided. Head gear is defined as any article worn on the head including, but not limited to, hats, sunglasses, bandanas, hoods, or visors. Please see FCPS Policy 439 for more information. 

School administrators shall grant exceptions to the dress code based on disability, health reasons or for sincerely held religious beliefs unless deemed a safety concern. Exceptions may also be made for spirit week celebrations or for extracurricular and athletic related purposes, as approved by the school administrator. 

Students are encouraged to wear shoes that tie or fasten for safety in physical education and daily outdoor recess play.

Drills & Emergency Procedures

Safety of our students and staff is our number one priority.  The following safety drills are conducted throughout the year: 

A comprehensive safety plan has been developed and approved for our school. A Crisis Team made up of school staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency.  Please be aware that drills may not all be held on pleasant, sunny, warm days.

Emergency School Closings and Delays

Information regarding cancellations, delays, and early closings are announced on local radio stations (WFMD 930 AM and WFRE 99.9 FM) and Frederick cable channel 18.  You can also obtain school closing information at  FCPS also notifies regional TV and radio stations. 


Pets are prohibited on school grounds at all times.

Reporting Security Concerns

“See Something, Say Something™” and “Don’t repost it.  Report it™” – Students are encouraged to report security concerns to a trusted adult (parent, school staff member, school administrator, SRO, or a local law enforcement agency). Students may also anonymously report concerns using the Safe Schools Maryland Tip Line at 833-MD-B-SAFE or In an emergency, call 911.  Additional resources can be found on each school’s website and the FCPS website.

Student Contact Information

Please make sure the office has your current telephone numbers, address, and email addresses.  The office also needs the name and telephone number of a local person who can be contacted in case you cannot be reached.  Current and accurate information is essential if an emergency arises and the school must locate a parent due to injury, sickness, or educational issues.  If there are any special custodial arrangements, a copy of the legal documents must be filed with the school. 

FCPS families will receive an electronic communication regarding updating your child’s information at the beginning of each school year. In the event that contact information (address or phone number) changes during the school year, please notify the front office. Student address changes must be accompanied by an updated proof of residency. 

Tobacco-Free Environment

The Frederick County Board of Education has adopted a tobacco-free environment policy.  The sale or use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited in school buildings at all times.  The sale or use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited on school grounds by anyone who uses, leases, or otherwise occupied FCPS property for any purpose, whether or not school is in session.  We appreciate your support of this effort to ensure a safer, healthier environment for everyone.


Our building is equipped with a “buzzer system” where all visitors will need to push a buzzer to gain access.  Once the buzzer is pushed, you will be asked to provide your name, identification, and purpose for visiting the school.  Visitors are required to sign in and wear a visitor badge.  Your cooperation with this state law is appreciated.   

FCPS uses a security sign-in system known as the Visitor Management System.  When visiting school for the first time, visitors will be asked for ID which will be scanned into the new system.  Subsequent times when people visit, they will need to provide name and date of birth to be signed in by front office staff.  Following sign in, visitors will be given sticker identification which must be worn visibly in the building.  See front office staff with any questions.  

Please do not bring siblings to school events unless the event is open to the public.  Strollers are not permitted in the building.


It is unlawful for students to possess or use any weapon on school property. Students who have or use a weapon on school property will be suspended from school, and the police will be notified of the incident. A weapon is any object designed to harm another physically or an object which is used in a way that can physically harm another. This school is committed to providing each of you with a safe environment, and we will do all we can to carry out that responsibility including, if necessary, conducting searches of student lockers.