Ms. Machcinski's Website

Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts!

I hope you had a relaxing summer!

I am so excited to be teaching your students this year at Urbana Middle School! This year promises to be both exciting and challenging. This year we will focus on improving writing and language arts skills through exploring different genres and purposes for reading and writing. The curriculum is organized into the following thematic units: Truth, Identity, Risk and Exploration, and Values. It is my hope that through an intense exploration of literature, reading and writing strategies, and class discussions and projects, we will gain a greater understanding and deeper insight into ourselves and the future of which we would like to be a part. I am excited about the growth our experiences together have the potential to create. We will also participate in a variety of instructional approaches that focus on active reading, process writing, academic vocabulary, and grammatical structures.

We will complete 3 benchmark assessments this year:

* Narrative Writing Task

* Analytical Writing Task

* Research Simulation Task