Homeland Security

Criminal Justice 

About the program 

The Homeland Security / Criminal Justice program is a two year program, offered only at the Career and Technology Center (CTC), as an introduction to Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness as well as the three components of the United States Criminal Justice system:  law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The HS/CJ program is responsive to public concerns over crime, investigations, the terrorist threat, dangerous hazards, and emergency response. Occupational trends indicate that employment activity in these areas will continue to be robust, well beyond the next decade.

Students have the opportunity to work with common tools of the law enforcement industry such as: radar units, accident investigation templates and crime scene evidence collection instruments.

Skills: handcuffing, traffic stops, crime scene investigations, emergency management, dispatch/communications, defensive tactics, and leadership development.

Contact the teachers: 

Andrew.Zucco@fcps.org (240-236-8489)  

Donald.duman@fcps.org (240-236-8508)

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