CTC Exploratory elective course

Rodney Foland



CTC Exploratory Elective Course Video Introduction (Please click)

Class overview

The Career and Technology Center Exploratory Elective Course is an one-semester course designed for students who are working toward a Maryland Certificate of Completion. Students observe and participate in simulated work experiences at CTC during their junior or senior year. These activities enhance their employability skills, increase their career awareness, and provide a comprehensive vocational assessment.

Students will have an opportunity to explore a wide breadth of careers with a scope and sequence focusing on career assessments, career research, resume writing, interview skills, as well as program exploration in Landscaping, Healthcare, HVAC/Plumbing, Carpentry, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, TV Multimedia, Automotive Collision Repair, Construction Electricity, and Digital Design and Printing.

Students have an opportunity to receive education and support with one technology teacher and special education assistant(s) assigned to the course. This provides opportunity for the students to receive a great deal of individual instruction. Additionally, students learn to navigate transitioning to a new building in a supported environment, which is a needed skill for joining the work force.

This course is NOT required to be recommended by the IEP team but should be selected in the course schedule in conjunction with a transition plan, and the student must be working toward a Maryland Certificate of Completion.