December 2021

Crabapple Lane's student newspaper to share news from

Crabapple Lane, our community, and the world!

December Students of the Month!!

Congratulations to our December Students! Well done!



First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Teacher's Choice

Treblemakers help us celebrate the holidays!

by: Anna Enns

Did you go to the Treblemakers Concert on December 9th? If you didn't, boy, you missed out! The audience loved the concert, and clapped, sang, and shouted along with the hardworking kids performing! The children used the following instruments. tambourine, hand bells, ukulele, triangle, and the glockenspiel. Do you play any of these instruments? It looks like the Treblmakers had fun playing them. These are some of the songs they sang:

  • The Nutcracker March

  • Snow

  • Jingle Jive

  • Carol of the Bells

  • Feliz Navidad

  • Somewhere in my Memory

If you went and enjoyed it, you have Ms. Walker and Ms. Samantha to thank. They worked hard with all our fourth and fifth grade students and everyone did a great job! It was so fun to have our first assmebly in 2 years! Happy Holidays!

success at the santa shop

by: Olivia Maxie

The Santa Shop was in the Nest at Crabapple Lane during the first week of December. There were a lot of toys for kids to buy for their family or friends. Parent volunteers helped kids to wrap their presents so that their families or friends didn't see them. Some of the favorite gifts that kids could buy were:

*balls *mugs *wind up toys

*water bottles *stuffed animals *necklaces

*ear buds *plants *earrings

*key chains *a stretchy man *ring

*squishy bananas *mini skateboards *trophies

I loved the Santa Shop! Did you?

A note from Crimson

The holidays are here and I have some tips for all our Cardinals, both young and old, so that you can enjoy your holiday break and come back ready for 2022.

*Take a nap- yes, even YOU kids!

*Eat good food.

*Play outside every day if you can!

*Watch fun movies with your family.

*Play a board game.

*Eat pizza in your car while you look at Christmas lights.

*Drink hot chocolate

*Read at least one good book

*Say please and thank you to everyone around you

*Think about one thing you want to get better at and make a goal to accomplish it.

*Help your parents around the house.

*Make a list of all the things you are thankful for

*Go outside and watch the stars for a little while.

*Listen to some good music- your parents probably know the best ones!

Try to slow down and do some of these things to help you remember that being a calm and happy person is the most important thing you can be for yourself! We are proud of all our Cardinals and want the best for you in all parts of your life! Enjoy your time off and come back ready to learn in 2022!

faculty spotlight: Mrs. Beasley

by: Aimen Asif

Q : What Elementay school did you go to?

A: PS122 In New York City

Q: How many years have you been teaching?

A: 25 years

Q: What do you like about teaching?

A: Teaching is one of the most important careers one can have. Teachers help to expand students' limits and push their creativity. Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in another person's life. Every day is different from the others. I love hearing the interesting opinions and ideas from my students.

Q: Do you have any pets? What are their names?

A: I have a dog named Tyrion.

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: I'm currently reading Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed. During our opinion writing quarter, we were learning about certain injustices towards various groups. This story is about a girl who cannot fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher because she has been forced into a life of indentured servitude. The boys in the village, however, were allowed to go to universities.

Q: Do you have any siblings:

A: I have four siblings. My favorite is my sister Betty because she is very giving and you can share secrets with her.

Thank you for your interview Mrs. Beasley! It's been fun learning more about you!

Looking forward to 2022!

Interview with Ms. Patterson

by: Abigail Dingler

Our awesome school counselor, Ms. Patterson, took time out of her busy day to share with us some great ways to make the most of the holiday season and gear up for a happy and healthy 2022. We can all learn from her insight and helpful advice below.

Do you have some good ideas for students and families to celebrate the coming year?

  • Trying new activities and seeing new places not only can make life richer, they can also improve your mood and sense of well-being. Kick off 2022 as a family by visiting a park in our town you've never been to or going to Atlanta to experience one of the many sightseeing venues.

  • Start the year off on the right foot and give back to your community by volunteering as a family. You'll feel good by doing good, whether you decide to clean up a public area like a park, play with puppies at a local animal shelter, package meals at our local food bank or for a summer lunch program.

  • Families can also begin a gratitude circle by sharing at the dinner table what you are thankful for that day. Research says taking just a few minutes each day to be mindful of what you have to be thankful for improves well-being.

Where will you be when the countdown gets to 0?

  • I will be with my family to bring in the New Year. We often have a game marathon night and sing karaoke as we wait for the New Year. We’ve also made time capsules in years past and smashed a pinata at 12:00! This year, we will be watching my favorite football team, UGA, beat Michigan in the Peach Bowl.

Who will be the first person you tell “Happy New Year!’

  • My family typically is all together when the clock hits midnight. We all yell "Happy New Year" together and then hug one another.

With a new year, comes the opportunity to make a new start. Do you have any personal goals you would like to share?

  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule to reduce my stress. I’m a night owl and stay up too late.

  • Make my adventure bucket list for 2022 and put riding in a hot air balloon on it.

  • Be consistent with a workout schedule to improve my health.

What would you tell those who are overwhelmed with holiday and New Year preparations?

  • Stop and breathe. This time of year is NOT for us to make everything perfect. It is meant to be a celebration of joy and gratefulness and appreciation for everything wonderful in our lives. Don’t waste it by sweating the small stuff. Spend time with your loved ones and embrace the moments you have with them during the holiday season.

What are some good New Year's resolutions for those with no clue of a good idea for a goal or habit for 2022?

  • Write down your goals for the New Year as you are 1.4 times more likely to succeed at them than those who don't write them down.

  • Be less afraid to make mistakes! Strive to not fear messing things up. And even if you do mess something up, maybe there's a way you can make your mess your message.

  • Don't let little things bother you as much. There are many things in life to get mad about. If we waste our time getting mad about everything, we won't have much time to just be happy. Practice being patient in moments where you could get upset. Do your best not to dwell on things that bother you for more than a few minutes.

  • Be a better person with those in your life that you care about. You can look for ways to be kinder to your friends, family, classmates and everyone you interact with.

The SCoop about the scoop

by: Sydney Mynatt

Have you ever wondered how the Scoop got started? Well, here's the scoop about the Scoop!

Mrs. Fairrel and her students had been reading a book before the Covid-19 pandemic. The book was titled The Candy Smash. In the book, one of the main characters had a class newspaper. This really sparked the interest of her students, so they made their first newspaper while working virtually. Her students would Zoom with her individually and would work on getting their writings ready to be published. They had originally planned to just make it for themselves and their families, but then our former principal, Mrs. Davis, sent it to the whole school and the school board. That was very exciting for her students. Mrs. Fairrel has always loved books, and they tend to inspire her to do things, especially with her class. So, when her students showed interest in the newspaper idea, she just went with it.

Mrs. Fairrel said she would love to see the Scoop become a long term club and part of our traditions here at CLES. She is amazed that we have so many students who are interested and excited about sharing all of the great things that are going on in our school with their friends and families. It's also really nice to be able to spotlight some of the things students are working so hard on at school. Friends and families can see how much our hard work has paid off.

Mrs. Fairrel found the name, The Scoop, online and felt it would be perfect for our newspaper. Whenever journalists have new information to share, they say that they have the scoop. It seemed like the perfect name for our school newspaper. The journalists enjoy giving you all the scoop every month.

Even though this is the first official year of the Scoop, I hope that it continues forever. It would be great to see it expand over the years. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a Scoop newspaper for each grade that is led by student junior editors? It would give students more leadership experience at a young age. This is just an idea that has danced around in my head. What ideas do you have for the future of the Scoop?

I would like to thank Mrs. Fairrel for creating such an awesome newspaper. She has allowed stories and news to be told through the eyes and pens of students.

What We have learned this year

By: Izzy Antoniolli

We have learned about our safety, and how to share, care and be kind,

We know how to Recycle and use our mind,

We know how to play and go wild,

We know that we can be creative and artistic for a long while,

We are good at procedures and following orders,

We are aware of the world’s disastrous natural order,

We know many ways we can stop this disorder,

We have learned so much from reading, writing, and arithmetic,

We’ve almost popped our lids, it’s unbelievable we are still just KIDS!

CLES Science Olympiad Team gets started

by: Grame Ton

Our new Science Olympiad team has gotten a great start this year as they learn, work together, and prepare for competition this spring. To learn more about our Science Olympiad team, I sat down and interviewed Reid Adkins, a third grade student, about the team and his experience so far.

Q: Why did you want to join the team?

A: I wanted to join so I could learn more about science and test my skills on science builds and experiments.

Q: Which teachers are in charge of the Science Olympiad Team?

A: Ms. Knowles and Ms. Williams

Q: What happens during your meetings?

A: We have only had one meeting but we got divided into teams of three to work together on a build.

Q: What did you build or solve as a team the first meeting?

A: We had to use pasta straws and tiny marshmallows to build a tower that would hold a large marshmallow.

Q: Have you learned anything new so far?

A: Not yet, we are just starting out; but I am excited for our next meeting it’s really fun.

Q: What is your goal for this year with the team?

A: My main goal is to learn more about science builds and just get better at science experiments.