April 2023

Crabapple Lane's student newspaper to share news from 

Crabapple Lane, our community, and the world!

APril Students of the Month!

Congratulations to all our hard working students who were honored as our Students of the Month!  

First Grades’ Poetry Cafe

by: Sebastian Reiners

Do you like poetry? Do you like chilling in a café? If so, you may wish you were in first grade. First grades’ poetry café is on the 28th  of April. This will be a fun chance for the first graders to eat café food and share their love of poetry. They will have a choice to pick a favorite poem and then read it to their class. They can also choose to read a poem they have written themselves if they want.

If you enjoy poems but don’t get to read them a lot you may check out a full book that will have many amazing poems in them. Some great authors who write poetry are Shel Silverstein, Robert Frost, Dr. Seuss and Maya Angelou. Everyone who can write a poem even if it’s short has to use a huge amount of brain power.

fifth Grade Field Trip

By: Sydney Mynatt & Timmy Zook

What is your favorite school trip? Ours was the 5th grade field trip on March 31. Us 5th graders went to the marvelous Tellus Museum in Cartersville to learn more about our constructive and destructive forces unit in science. We were also supposed to tour Ruby Falls, but we missed our scheduled time to view it because of the weather and traffic. 

Although we didn’t go inside Ruby Falls, we still had a wonderful time. At the Tellus Museum, we got to collect gems as little souvenirs. At Ruby Falls,  we took a photo as a grade level and visited the gift shop. We also got to go on this trip in charter buses, which was a new experience for us. Even though we did not get to do everything we wanted to do, we still made memories that will last a lifetime. By the way, the mountains in Tennessee are beautiful! If you haven’t visited the area, you should. You won’t regret it.

We know it’s a little off topic, but we would like to thank everyone for reading our Scoop articles. This is our last article since we are heading to middle school in August. We have really enjoyed being on the Scoop staff, and we can’t wait to start this next chapter. Lastly, thank you for giving us this opportunity, Mrs. Fairrel. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.

Dear Crimson

Dear Crimson, 

This coming month me and my best friend are no longer going to be at the same school. I do not want to have to go to school without them. I am scared, and don't want to leave them. How can I make new friends and still keep in contact with my old friends? 


A Scared 5th Grader 

Dear Scared 5th grader, 

I get how it may feel like you will never get to see your best friend again but that is not the reality. You 2 friends could still talk many different ways. You could mail letters, exchange phone numbers or emails. You 2 friends will still get to see each other at football games or other community events. When making new friends in middle school there will be people who you have never met before. This is a great chance for you to meet one of your new future best friends. Remember everyone is in the same boat and may feel uncertain about making new friends.

Signing off, 


My Day At School

By: Kai Otsuki

A Photojournalists View of Crabapple Lane

by: Zeth Bowman

Kindergarten Writings about Spring!

First Grade learning about Theodore Roosevelt!

Mrs. Siewert's Spring Art Project

Leave a piece of art - take a piece of art!

Second Grade Geometry Projects!

Mrs. Snyder's class knows Spring is in the Air!

Mrs. Martinez Welcomes Everyone to World Language!

This was our fabulous cast for The Jungle Book!

Just SOME of our new books ordered by Mrs. Boyd and the CLES Student Council!

Some Fantastic Kindergarten Writing!

A Farewell to Mrs. Diane!

This is Ms. Diane, our fun and hard working custodian.  After 10 years at Crabapple Lane and 31 years total, Mrs. Diane will be retiring after this school year.   Thank you for all your hard work keeping our school clean!  We will miss you Mrs. Diane!

The Scoop students in action!

A Final Note from 2022-2023 from Mrs. Rachels

Dear Crabapple Lane families and students,

It has been a great year.  Our students have grown so much academically and socially.  The teachers have worked hard each day to meet the needs of all students.  I am proud of the accomplishments of all our cardinals and look forward to all the great things that the cardinal students will accomplish in the future.

This summer, take some time to enjoy your family, travel, take naps, play outside, etc.  Read every day as that will help you stay on track for your next year.  Reading will expand your vocabulary and take you places in your mind.  It is my favorite hobby.

The 2023-2024 school year will begin on August 3, 2023.  We will be ready for a new and exciting year.  Enjoy your summer and stay safe.

Vicki Rachels