Welcome Parents and Community Members!

Our school library serves over 400 students and 40+ teachers in our school community. We provide access to many resources, including print books, ebooks, online databases and websites for research. View the full list of what we offer here.

Our library program is guided by the AASL National School Library Standards and the Pennsylvania Library Model Curriculum. Students visit the library once every ____ school days to learn how to conduct research, become better readers, and pursue their interests through different learning activities.

Check Out Times

Books - 7 calendar days

Library Policies

Students may check out up to 2 physical items at a time, including print books, audiobooks, and/or maker kits.

All items are checked out for 1 week. After 7 calendar days, items need to be returned or renewed.

If an item is overdue, there are no late fines or fees. However, if an item is more than 60 days overdue, we will assume the item is lost and charge a replacement fee.

If a print book is damaged, please do not try to fix it yourself. The teacher-librarian has special repair supplies to fix ripped pages, missing stickers, and sometimes broken book spines. If a book cannot be repaired, then it must be replaced.

Students are responsible for taking care of the items they check out from the library and returning them on time.

Note for Parents: We appreciate parents' support as students learn to take care of their library items, and we encourage students to keep their library items in one safe place at home (away from pets, water bottles, and younger siblings).

Also, lost and damaged items can be replaced with the same item in new condition. For example, if a hardcover book is lost or damaged, then a new hardcover book can be purchased online or from a local bookstore instead of paying the replacement fee.


Our school library is happy to accept donations that meet the curriculum needs of our school or that replace broken or damaged books.

If you wish to make a donation, you can purchase a book from this wish list on BookShop.org or Amazon.com. Donated books from this list will be added to the library collection for students to read and enjoy!

Looking for a way to help your school community? Volunteer in the library!

We can always use a helping hand to put away books in alphabetical order, or to get new books processed and ready to check out. No prior training or experience is needed. Contact the teacher-librarian to join our friendly, respectful team!

All volunteers must get their clearances, and hand them in to the school office:

  • Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance - [link]

  • State Police Request for Criminal Records Check (background check) - [link]

  • Federal Criminal History Record Information (FBI) - [link]