Southern Middle School

Engineering Technology

Welcome to the SMS Engineering Technology Website

Teacher: Staci Davis

Years at SMS: 19

Other Responsibilities: PLCS Team Leader, TSA Advisor, PLCS Representative on Curriculum and Instruction

What is Engineering Technology?

Engineering Technology (or Pre-Engineering as it is listed in Infinite Campus) is a class based on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) principles. The class is a hands on approach to allow your child to explore various areas of technology that may include the areas of bio-technology, communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation. There are 14 different module stations that range from Engineering Towers to Audio Broadcasting. In nine weeks your child will not be exposed to every module. The modules will be randomly selected for each student. Pre-Engineering is not a computer class. We use computers as a tool just as we would use the band saw or a soldering iron. This class is an updated version of what used to be shop class.

**For class specific information per grade please see each grade level page or the information about specific modules.