7th Grade English

Meet Your Teacher

From left to right: Mrs. Aldridge, daughter Lane, son Lewis, and husband Chris.

Welcome to 7th grade English! I'm so excited to be teaching you. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.

My undergraduate degree is in English Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and I earned my Masters in Teaching from Eastern Kentucky University where I also received my endorsement in Gifted Education.

I began teaching at Morton Middle School, but since 2006 I have been at SCAPA Bluegrass teaching 7th and 8th grade English. It's been a wonderful experience getting to know my students and their parents, and I enjoy keeping up with everyone once they leave my classroom.

I feel I can really connect with my students and their parents since my own two children attended SCAPA. My son Lewis was a Piano Major and Vocal Minor then switched to Voice at Lafayette High School. Lane, my daughter, was interested in several arts areas including Dance, Piano, and Band. As a former SCAPA parent, I remember juggling after-school lessons, practices, performances, homework, and family time. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you feel you are getting overwhelmed.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your family as I speak with you at our various school-wide events like "Cruise Into SCAPA", "SCAPA Bash", and "SCAPA Open House", as well as many performances throughout the year.


Mrs. Aldridge

7th/8th Grade English Language Arts Teacher

English Department Chair

SCAPA Bluegrass