2020 庚子年初春, 新冠状肺炎病毒 (COVID-19) 肆虐全球。为了控制病毒的传播,美国各州的中小学在三月中旬相继停课,开始了非传统的教学方式(Non-Traditional Instruction 又称 NTI)。

病毒把师生、朋友暂时分隔开,但中文教师对学生的爱、对中文事业的热情没有间断。 肯塔基州的王雁老师汇集来自七个州的十八位中文教师和他们的家人、朋友,仅用一周的时间就合作作完成了视频《纸飞机的拜访》。这十八位老师都是具有丰富教学经验的一线教师,教授的学生涵盖了幼儿园到大学的所有年龄段。 虽然我们保持着“社交距离”, 但是一个小小的纸飞机就拉近了我们彼此的心灵。感谢项目组所有成员的精诚合作!

此视频是很好的真实语料,可以用来教授房间、室内外活动、爱好和季节环境,等等话题,也可以用来了解中国传统的体育和文艺活动,对比中美不同的生活习惯。 这个视频融合了不同学科,比如科学 、音乐、美术、体育和社会科学,等等。视频编辑成为三个版本:1)有背景音乐版; 2)按室内外活动分类版; 3)带中文字幕版; 4)字幕标拼音版。 同时我们还整理了视频的词汇表:字词表、词组和短语表、高频词语表。如果您想仿照视频和学生做类似的活动, 我们将叠纸飞机的步骤也链接在下面。今后,我们还会陆续把此视频相应的教学活动放在这里。

我们愿意无私分享此视频, 为坚守一线教学的老师们助一臂之力。使用者请尊重我们的版权,不能做任何商业用处。我们也希望得到使用者的反馈 。如果老师们使用此视频,设计了好的教学活动,也期望您和我们分享。 如有愿意录制一个同样的视频小片段(现有视频里没有的内容)或者有更好的建议,请与王雁老师联系,邮箱yan.wang@fayette.kyschools.us




Due to the Coronavirus pandemic in the beginning of 2020, people are order to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus. All schools in the United States were closed in the mid of March and moved to the non-traditional instruction (NTI).

Although the virus takes teachers and students apart, love is the link that holds our hearts together. Under the leadership of Yan Wang, the Fayette County Public Schools Lead Chinese teacher, eighteen teachers (see the names listed below) from seven states along with their families and friends created a video “A Visit by Paper Plane”. While we maintain a "social distance", a simple paper plane becomes a messenger.

This video is a fantastic authentic resources for learning Chinese language and culture. It can be adopted into different proficiency levels. It also can be used to address the variety of topics such as rooms, indoor and outdoor activities, hobbies, seasons, environment and social emotions. The rich cultural elements in the video allows students to explore traditional Chinese sports and art forms, to compare the lifestyles in China and the United States. This video has the connections with science, arts and humanities, sports and social studies, etc. In order to meet the needs of different instructional domains, the video is edited into four versions: 1) the version with background music; 2) the version classified by indoor and outdoor activities; 3) the version with Chinese subtitles; 4) subtitle with pinyin version for novice young learners. Meanwhile, we sort out words and phrases in the video into three vocabulary lists. If you want copy the idea and lead your students to make a similar video, the steps of folding a paper plane is linked below. We plan to put more instructional resources corresponding to this video here.

We would like to share this video with all world language teachers. If you use it in your teaching practice, please share your lesson activities with us. Your feedbacks and suggestions will be highly appreciated. We ask all users to respect our copyright and do not use it for any business purposes. If you have any questions and comments about this video, please contact Yan Wang via email yan.wang@fayette.kyschools.us .

Together we can go through the hard time and make differences for our students.

Video Project Team (by last name) :

Jingjiao Chai, Xuefeng Dou, Chunmei Guan, Yufei Guo, Yue Hu, Huiwen Li, Na Li, Shanshan LI, Shunqin Li, Lei Liu, Zhonglian Liu, Ling Peng, Ye Sun, Fang Wang, Yan Wang, Hong Yan, XIaoyan Xie , Yanhong Zheng

With Music Background

Classified by Indoor and Outdoor Activities

Subtitle with Pinyin

With subtitles

Steps for Folding a Paper Plane

Vocabulary Lists

Lesson Plans & Instructional Activities

Feedbacks and Suggestions