Gifted and Talented Accelerated Program
Tates Creek Elementary
Welcome to Tates Creek Elementary's GTAP!
The Gifted and Talented Accelerated Program is a full time service offered by Fayette County Public Schools. Our fourth and fifth grade students receive enriched experiences with math, reading, writing, social studies, and science along with project-based learning and optional extracurricular activities. We serve eligible students from surrounding schools in the district in self-contained classrooms who are identified in General Intelligence, Language Arts/Reading, and Math.
District Feeder Pattern
The feeder system for our program is based on the student's districted elementary home school. Students from the following schools who are eligible for the Gifted and Talented Accelerated Program will be invited to attend Tates Creek Elementary for 4th and 5th Grade.
Glendover, Julius Marks, Lansdowne, Millcreek, Southern, Squires, Tates Creek, Veterans Park
Click here to view the full program feeder system list.
Important Upcoming Dates
Fall Information Nights
September 17th, 6pm at TCE, 1113 Centre Pkwy
October 15th, 6pm via Zoom
Meet Our Program's Teachers and Staff!
Carrie Paul
School Principal
Holly McCauley
Assistant Principal
Lisa Johnson
Curriculum Coach