Global Competency


FCPS Celebrates: Multilingual and 

Multicultural Month

Fun Facts about Multilingualism and Multiculturalism at BCE!

--> There are 25 different languages spoken at Brenda Cowan. 

--> Our top 5 languages spoken at BCE are: English, Nepali, Spanish, Japanese, and Swahili.

--> Almost 25% of our student population speaks another language. 

Honoring Black Excellence: Visual & Performing Arts Showcase

This is an open call for any FCPS students with talents in: visual arts, digital arts, dance, theater, music. poetry, or spoken word. Please scan the QR code listed to submit your nomination! 

When? February 22, 2025 @ 6-8p.m.

Where? Bryan Station High School

Click this link to view highlights from last year's showcase! 


BCE's Unity Champion of the Month! 

November: Rhett Derrick December: Connor Thai

Unity champions are students who go above and beyond on a daily basis to: