Mrs. Barnett's NTI Homepage


Please click here to learn more about our classroom!

A Note from Mrs. Barnett:

Welcome to our classroom website! You can find tutorials on how to use the website as well as useful information on how to implement this remote instruction with your child under the "Parent Resources" tab. I am here to help you; I miss you and your kids every day!

I will update materials on our classroom website frequently. I welcome your feedback!

If you have any questions about the paper packets that were sent home, please reach out to me via text or email.

I would like to meet with each family via video or teleconference at least once a week for individual coaching and support. Also, I would like to have at least one online meeting per week that involves the entire class, so that we can complete calendar/current events together. Mine and the school's priority during this school closure for COVID-19 safety precautions is to provide your child their educational services, specially designed instruction, and related services. I plan to utilize Zoom for my group resource class meetings. By joining the virtual class, you understand that your child will be participating with other students in the resource classroom and parents/caregivers of other students may be participating with their child. We respect your child's confidentiality and if you would prefer not to attend these group sessions, that is perfectly ok! Please let me know, and I will get in contact with you to consider alternatives to assist your child with their specially designed instruction and IEP goals.

Please click on this link to complete a survey to let me know a time/day that works best for you and your child to participate in a live session. Thanks!

Please check google classroom daily for assignments