15.0 Module Overview and Objectives

Welcome to Module 15

This module contains the following sections:

15.1 Human impact on stratospheric ozone

15.2 Human impact on climate

Module Objectives 

Use these to help guide your studying and note taking

By the end of this module you should be able to:

Module Assignments

[Quiz] Quiz 7

15.1  Human Impact on Stratospheric Ozone

The Ozone Hole 

Stratospheric ozone is a topic that spans between our last unit on air pollution and this unit on climate.  As an introduction to stratospheric ozone and the ozone hole, watch the video below.  Be sure to reflect on the questions listed beneath the video.

Link:  The Antarctic Ozone Hole -- From Discovery to Recovery, a Scientific Journey

(UN Environment Programme, 2011) 

Questions To Reflect On:

1.  What is the chemical formula for ozone?

2.  What layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer in?

3.  How does the ozone layer benefit life on Earth?  What would be some of the human consequences of large amounts of ozone depletion?

4. Why was the “ozone hole” only discovered after 30 years of monitoring ozone in the Antarctica?

5.  Is there really a “hole” in the ozone layer?

6.  What are the chemical compounds that are primarily responsible for depleting stratospheric ozone?  What are the source(s) of these chemicals?

7.  Why is ozone depletion greater over Antarctica than over other parts of the world?

8. What was the name of the international agreement aimed at stopping the production of ozone depleting chemicals?  Has it been successful?

9. Explain how the agreement referred to in question 8 benefited climate as well as the ozone layer.

10.  What are hydrofluorocarbons and what is their impact on climate?

11.  Discuss some of the feedbacks between climate and the ozone hole.

Stratospheric Vs. Tropospheric Ozone

It is important to distinguish between stratospheric ozone and tropospheric ozone.

Stratospheric ozone

Tropospheric ozone

There are circumstances where stratospheric ozone can intrude into the troposphere and thus contribute to ozone pollution.  

Watch the short video below for an example of this phenomenon and NASA’s work to create visualizations of it.

Link:Stratospheric Ozone Intrusion

(Schindler, 2014)

Additional Background about Ozone Depleting Chemicals -   Chlorofluorocarbon

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Image from: http://images.flatworldknowledge.com/averillfwk/averillfwk-fig03_x002.jpg

Note the decline in atmospheric concentrations of ozone depleting substances due to the Montreal Protocol in the following figure. 

Also note the increase in concentrations in the CFC alternative, SF6.

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Mean mid-year tropospheric CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) concentrations in the northern (NH) and southern (SH) hemispheres for the period 1920.5 to 2015.5. Image and caption from: cdiac

To wrap up our discussion on the ozone layer and transition into a discussion about climate change, let’s read an article about a recent international agreement to phase out one of the common replacements for CFCs, HFCs. Be sure to reflect on the questions listed beneath the article. 

Link: 140 countries will phase out HFCs. What are these and why do they matter? - The Washington Post 

(Ovodenko, 2014)

Questions To Reflect On: 

1. What is name of the new agreement to phase out HFCs?

2. What existing international treaty is the agreement being amended to?

3. TRUE or FALSE: HFCs deplete the ozone layer.

4. TRUE or FALSE: HFCs contribute to global warming.

5. Briefly summarize why the phase out of HFCs was included in treaties dealing with ozone rather than treaties dealing with climate change.

6. TRUE or FALSE: Chemical companies are against regulating HFCs rather than developing climate-friendly alternatives to HFCs.

7. Studies show that banning HFCs worldwide could prevent an increase of _______ F  over the next century.

15.2 Human Impact On Climate

What is Climate?

Watch the video below for the distinction between climate and weather.

Link: What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

(NASA Climate Change, 2018)

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Climate is determine by complex interactions among several earth systems including the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and humans.

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Schematic view of the components of the climate system, there processes and interactions.  Image and caption from: ipcc.

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

You have likely learned about the greenhouse effect in previous coursework. However, because it is so central to the issue of climate change let’s quickly review the greenhouse effect.  Watch the short video below.

Link: Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change, Lines of Evidence: Chapter 3 - YouTube 

(The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2012)

Questions To Reflect On:

1. Approximately when was the greenhouse effect first discovered?

2.  What part of the Earth’s atmosphere do greenhouse gases trap heat in?

3.  Briefly explain how greenhouse gases influence Earth’s surface temperatures.

4.  TRUE or FALSE  Without greenhouse gases, Earth’s surface temperatures would remain below freezing.

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An idealised model of the natural greenhouse effect.  Image and caption from: ipcc

Greenhouse Gases

There are a handful of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor are all naturally occurring greenhouse gases; however, as you know, human activities have drastically increased the concentrations of these gases above natural levels.

CFCs and HFCs are manmade compounds that are potent greenhouse gases. As mentioned above, SF6 is also a very potent greenhouse gas.  Very small amounts of SF6 occur naturally, but for all intents and purposes, most of the SF6 in the atmosphere is man-made.  Finally,  tropospheric ozone, which is a byproduct of human air pollution is also a greenhouse gas.

Each gas contributes differently to global warming depending on 1) its capacity to absorb and re-radiate heat and 2) how long it stays in the atmosphere. In order to quantify the impact a gas has on global warming, we use a measure called Global Warming Potential (GWP).

The Global Warming Potential was developed to allow comparisons of the global warming impacts of different gases.  Specifically it is a measure of how much energy the emissions of one ton of a gas will absorb over a given period of time, relative to the emissions of one ton of carbon dioxide.  The larger the GWP, the more that a given gas warms the Earth compared to carbon dioxide over that time period.  The time period usually used for GWPs is 100 years...  ...Carbon dioxide (CO2), by definition, has a GWP of 1...

Above quote from: https://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gwps.html

In short, the Global Warming Potential of a gas is a measure of the potential for a unit mass of the gas to cause global warming relative to a unit mass of carbon dioxide.

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Image from:  epa

The table below shows a wealth of information about the various greenhouse gases including their pre- and post-industrial concentrations, their GWP, and their atmospheric lifetime.  Carbon dioxide gets the most attention of all of the greenhouse gases; this is because its concentration is so high and because our use of fossil fuels releases it in large quantities.  Note that the man-made CFCs, HFCs, and SF6 all have very low atmospheric concentrations.  However, their GWP is 1000’s of times greater than that of CO2, and because they are such stable molecules they stay in the atmosphere for a very long time. 

Note: You should be able to

1) list the greenhouse gases - CO2, CH4, NO2, H2O, CFCs, HFCs, SF6, and ozone, 

2) identify CO2, CH4, NO2, and H2O as naturally occurring gases and others as primarily man-made, 

3) define GWP, 

4) put the major greenhouse gases in order by GWP,

5) recognize that the man-made greenhouse gases have much longer atmospheric lifetimes than the naturally occurring gases.

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Image modified from: GRIDA

Climate Change

Natural Drivers Of Climate Change

Throughout Earth history, climate has fluctuated significantly due to natural factors as indicated by the shifts in global average temperature shown on the graph below.

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Climate Change: Departure from the expected average weather for a given place and time of year. Long-term shift in expected average weather.

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Global average temperature throughout Earth history.  Image from: scotese

Some of the natural factors that influence Earth’s climate are...

Plate Tectonics - Redistribution of landmasses alters 1) oceanic and atmospheric currents, 2) alters the extent of glaciers (influences albedo), and 3) influences volcanic activity which impacts both CO2 emissions and the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere.

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Milankovitch Cycles - Periodic changes in Earth’s orbit, tilt and rotation that alter the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth and reflected by Earth.

Aerosols - Tiny particles suspended in air that originate from volcanoes, dust storms, fires, sea spray, etc. Aerosols influence climate by 1) absorbing and reflecting solar radiation back to space and 2) influencing cloud formation.

Anthropogenic Drivers Of Climate Change

Of more interest for this class and our topic, Human Impact on Climate, are the anthropogenic drivers of climate change, some of which are outlined below.

Increase in the concentrations of greenhouse gases

Carbon Dioxide

Most important greenhouse gas

Contributes about 64% of the total radiative forcing by greenhouse gases

Approximately 50% of human emissions are absorbed in the biosphere and oceans; the rest remains in the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years

Since 1750, concentration in the atmosphere has increased by 40%

The above graph of CO2 concentrations at the Mauna Loa Observatory over time is called the Keeling curve. It is named after the Charles Keeling who initiated the long term measurement program. His measurements were essential to climate science because they were some of the first evidence we had that showed human activities are influencing greenhouse gas concentrations. Watch the video below for some more details about the Keeling curve. Be sure to reflect on the questions listed beneath the video.

Link: Science Bulletins: Keeling's Curve – The Story of CO2 - YouTube

(American Museum of Natural History, 2014) 

Questions To Reflect On:

1. What is the name of the curve that shows CO2 concentrations with time?

2. When did long term measurements of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa begin?

3. Prior to the Mauna Loa measurements, what did scientists believe about CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere?

4. Explain what causes the cyclical peaks and valleys in the Keeling curve.

5. What is the cause of the rise in long term average CO2 concentrations?


Nitrous Oxide

Fluorinated Gases


Tying back to one of our earlier units, deforestation also contributes significantly to climate change. For an introduction to deforestation and climate change, read through the article below. Be sure to reflect on the questions listed beneath the article.

Link: Deforestation and Its Extreme Effect on Global Warming - Scientific American 

(Scientific America, 2012) 

Questions To Reflect On:

1. According to the article which adds more CO2 to the atmosphere, deforestation or vehicle emissions?

2. Explain why deforestation adds carbon to the atmosphere.

3. Discuss why it is difficult to convince rainforest residents to engage in conservation.

4. What is REDD and how does it work? Has it been successful?

The Current State Of Climate Change

There is an abundance of statistics and graphics and news stories citing evidence of climate change and detailing the consequences of climate change. The article below very briefly covers some of the main evidence for and impacts of climate change. It also reinforces many of the above concepts. Click on the blue button below to access the article. Read through the article and reflect on the questions below.

Link:12 Graphics that Contain Everything You Need to Know about Climate Change - Scientific American Blog Network 

(Scientific American, 2014) 

Questions To Reflect On:

1. What does IPCC stand for?

2. TRUE or FALSE: The IPCC’s predictions for greenhouse gas emissions have been pretty much on target with actual emissions.

3. How have global surface temperatures changed since 1850?

4. What stands out about the global surface temperatures of the last three decades?

5. Define radiative forcing.

6. What are the top three contributors to the positive radiative forcing, which is causing warming?

7. According to the article, what are the four main contributors to the rising CO2 concentrations.

8. “The key to combating climate change is keeping the amount of carbon in the atmosphere from ___________________ - and potentially ____________________ it from present concentrations.”

9. According to the article, what is one of the most pressing challenges that humans will face due to climate change?

10. What percent of the world’s population lives within 100 km of a coastline?

11. Explain one way that climate change could impact freshwater resources.

Some Thoughts on Climate Modeling

Because the climate predictions that are reported on the news all come from climate models, it is important to have some understanding of modeling. Watch the following TED talk for a discussion about climate models. Be sure to reflect on the questions beneath the article.

Link: Gavin Schmidt: The emergent patterns of climate change | TED Talk 

(Schmidt, 2014) 

Questions To Reflect On:

1. Discuss the variety of spatial scales of the processes that influence climate.

2. How do we generally deal with sub-scale processes (those processes that occur at smaller scales than we are able to model)?

3. Do current climate models adequately cover the range of scales needed to represent all of the various processes that influence climate?

4. Roughly how many lines of code do current climate models have?

5. TRUE or FALSE, climate models include code to solve equations that describe fundamental physical processes.

6. The speaker gives examples of several pieces of the climate puzzle, which are essentially different processes that need to be included to accurately model climate. List the “puzzle pieces” he mentions.

7. Just something to notice - when the speaker is talking about different ways to “kick the climate system”, most of the things he mentions are things that we have covered in class. He is emphasizing the types of earth systems interactions that I have tried to weave into this course.

8. TRUE or FALSE: Models are always wrong.

9. If models are always wrong, what is the purpose of modeling?

“If we had observations of the future, we obviously would trust them more than models, but unfortunately observations of the future are not available at this time.”

Quote from Tom Knutson and Robert Tuleya as quoted in above TED talk. 

“What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?”

Above quote from Sherwood Rowland as quoted in the above TED talk.