MS. Riddle
6th Grade English / Language Arts
Welcome to Ms. Riddle's 6th Grade ELA
I am so excited to work with you and your scholar! It’s going to be a year full of fun, innovation, learning, and lots of adventures. I can’t wait to see what the rest of our year has in store for us!
I am from Savannah, Georgia and received my education from Savannah State University! I am thrilled to be teaching your scholar English/Language Arts as they embark on their journey through middle school beginning their 6th grade years. It is my mission to instill a love for learning in my students. I attempt to teach with creativity and passion, so that my students develop a desire to become life-long learners.
Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas. It is so important to keep communication open between us and I would love to talk to you whenever you feel the need! I look forward to a great year together!
Go Astros!
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Class Expectations/Norms
Classroom norms & Expectations
In order to make this year productive, effective, and enjoyable, a few things are expected of each of you: Your rights as a student include being educated in the most conductive environment possible. To assist us in this endeavor, below are the list of rights and responsibilities, followed by rewards and consequences.
Classroom Rights:
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Be in your seat with your tools required to learn and on your desk before class begins.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on to ask permission before speaking out or getting out of your seat.
Do not write on desks, chairs, classroom objects as that is vandalization of school property.
Hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times in class.
Only positive, kind words. No swearing, ridiculing, teasing, or bullying.
No cellphone usage unless approved for technology use for educational purposes.
Respect yourself, other students, and the teacher.
Do not eat or drink in the classroom. Water is allowed. No snacks or chewing off gum.
Tardiness is unacceptable. If you are late, you will require a hall pass upon entry.
No GAMING of any sort on computers during instructional time. You must not have any EXTRA tabs open when completing classwork.
Clean your work area when complete with your work.
If work is completed early, students may participate in the reading corner, reading a novel of choice.
Students will remain seated until instructed by the teacher to line up for class. Students will walk on the correct side of the hallway when entering and exiting the classroom.
Students are to remain seated during afternoon dismissal.