
This project was a difficult task that had alot of parts to it that were frustrating to me. To be completey honest I did not think it would be as hard or as much work, but i was wrong. Although I did attempt to work on the code but was never suceessful. What I learned is how to go about things when doing projects like mine. It is better to go small first than to go big first. When I say that I mean that as Mr. Gerl informed me without me knowing is that I would go about things looking for the biggest part and trying to do it without a clear understanding of what I'm doing. My brain would be scrambled to where it got to the point where I was stressed out about it and tended to not ask Mr. Gerl out of all people and I tended to try and watch videos that weren't helpful. Soon enough there was an understnading to get Mr Gerl for help and thats where he told me to go small. He told me to sketch out screens of what my app will look like and not to worry about the code at this point. He informed me that people who create apps in the world always skectch first and go small then expand as they go. In conclusion, there is a big thing that I got from this capstone. I've recieved guidnece that has taught me a mental aspect for not only this project but future projects as I go in the later education and life in general.

Down Below are my sketches