Insulin Pump Parts

Insulin Reservoir

Pumping Mechanism

Buttons or Touch Screen Device

Isulin Reservoir

An insulin reservoir is a little reservoir that contains 1.8mL or 3.0mL of insulin that is put into insulin pumps. The vile is about 2 inches tall.

MiniMed Connection

Insulin is stored in here and is then put into the insulin pump.

Transfer Guard

The tranfer guard is used to deposit the insulin from the vial into the minimed connection.

Insulin Vial

The insulin vial is a vial with insulin inside it.

Pumping Mechanism

The pumping mechanism pumps the insulin from the reservoir through a cannula that is connected to your arm or stomach into your blood stream.

Insulin Pump Device

The pumping mechanism and insulin reservoir is inside the device and the device is used to control how much insulin you want to get pumped into your bloodstream.