Ms. Booker's First Grade Class

Class Overview

Welcome message

Welcome to first grade! I am excited to be your teacher and witness all the your growth throughout this busy year. My goal is to develop a STEM learning environment that is rigorous and rich in resources where all students can learn to their highest potential. In our room each child's unique interests and learning styles will be celebrated. I foster respect and responsibility in my classroom, all while having fun. I am honored to be able to step in and work with this lively and talented group and expect to have an exciting year that is full of fun experiences.

Classroom Expectations

Actively listen to teacher and others

Raise your hand to speak in whole group

Stay on task

Be safe, be kind, be honest

Do your best

These are general rules that the all the children are expected to follow. I will contact you directly via email or send a note in their daily folder if any other concerns or issues should arise.

My name is Ms. Booker, and I am so excited to meet all of you! This school year will contain new experiences, friends, and tons of learning. I have a bachelor’s in educational studies and an extensive career in early childhood in New Orleans. I am proud to say this will be my 1st year teaching at FAST. Two of our most important goals this school year will be for students to love learning and feel like they belong at FAST. I will always encourage & support them to be their best self. I promise to put my best foot forward and guide them on their journey of growth and discovery in and outside of the classroom..