Who is this guy?

Hello Fellow Vikings!

My name is Mr. Bonito, and I will be your Fifth Grade teacher this year. This will be my eleventh year teaching, but only my third year living in New Jersey. I've been loving my time here so far, but am excited to learn more about what the Garden State has to offer. I'm originally from Massachusetts - please don't hold my sports allegiances against me...

I met my wife, Kelly (who is actually a Farmingdale School graduate herself!), a few years back when we were living in San Diego. I was teaching fourth grade out there, and doing my best to learn to sail and surf - things that remain two of my favorite hobbies. We are both big beach people. It was in California where we became a family of three, adding our beautiful baby boy, Jayce, to the mix. We just celebrated his second birthday not too long ago.

I absolutely cannot wait to meet everyone, and to have a totally amazing final year of elementary.

With the best wishes and highest hopes for all,

Mr. Bonito

Never hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, technology issues (and restaurant recommendations) whenever they arise.

Email: john.bonito@farmingdaleschool.com

School: 732-938-9611