Communication / Speech Supports

If you need assistance with how your child’s teacher communicates with them at school (Ex: sign language, picture cards, devices), please email or your child’s case manager.

Stuttering Foundation resources can be translated into other languages. You can read and download books related to stuttering for free. Stuttering Foundation

Preschool Express - This site has activities that promote language development, listening skills, following directions, and building expressive vocabulary. Preschool Express

Mommy Speech - Speech and articulation worksheets are free to download. All consonant sounds are provided at the word, sentence, and story level. Mommy Speech

Learning Games - This site provides learning games for preschool and elementary school age students. Vocabulary games include synonyms, antonyms, compound words, analogies, idioms, and parts of speech. Learning Games

Learn at Home - The site is divided by grade level. Activities are provided to develop vocabulary, comprehension questions, and following directions. Read along videos/books are provided at lower grades with text-to-speech option provided for upper grade levels.