Dyslexia At-Home

Hello Parents!

Farmersville ISD is in the development phase of providing instruction to students, including dyslexia services, such as online and virtual classrooms. This page is dedicated towards sharing resources with families to allow students to continue engaging in the learning process at home. We understand that some parents may not have the ability to always attend virtually, and for those parents, we are providing work packets and lists of things to do, at home, which do not require technology. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, should you have questions or concerns. Please click on the links below for additional information. We have put together information, websites and apps that pull in the different areas of need for those served through our dyslexia program.

Please use us as a resource. We are here to help and make this transition time less stressful. Please feel free to email, Erin Pace, to make sure your questions are directed to the right person and we get you the support you need. epace@farmersvilleisd.org


Writing - The links provide resources to assist with typing and cursive

Reading/Phonics - The links provide support to assist with all aspects of reading.