5th Grade Orchestra

In fifth grade, special musical opportunities will be available for students that can change the course of their lives long term if they wish! ORCHESTRA is offered starting in fifth grade. We are very fortunate that members of this community strongly support the string program; involvement in orchestra continues to flourish in this area. 

In fifth grade orchestra, students will learn how to play one of the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, or bass. Orchestra students will have their smaller class orchestra during the school day and a large ensemble group before school one consistent day of the week. Orchestra students will have several performances throughout the school year. Orchestra is a year-long course and is a multi-year activity that students can continue through high school and beyond.

The fifth grade orchestra teachers will be going into the fourth grade general music classrooms in May to talk about the program and demonstrate the instruments. The students will have an opportunity to ask questions and get an introduction to the orchestra program.

This website was created for parents and students to explore the orchestra program and instruments. There is also a link to register for next year. Registration deadline is September 2023.