How to select an instrument to play!

This website will help guide you into choosing the best instrument for you!
After you watch the above video, follow the steps below:

  1. Look through all of the instrument families (linked at the top of the page) and learn about all of the instruments that you can choose from.

  2. Take the 4 tests below and fill out any form that is linked as you take them.

  3. Listen to the tones generated on the tone playlist.

This test asks you to listen to a beat and tap along with it on your keyboard. The computer sound will slowly get quieter, but you'll keep tapping the beat in a steady way. This will test to see how close to the original beat you can stay! Make sure to write your score down on this test so you will remember if for the form.

This test will ask you to listen to two melodies one after the other. After you listen to both melodies, answer on the form whether you think the second one is the same as or different than the first.

This link will test your rhythm sensitivity. It will play two rhythms one after the other. After you listen to both rhythms, answer on the form whether you think the second one is the same as or different than the first.

This link will test your pitch sensitivity. It will play two notes one after the other. After you listen to both notes, answer on the form whether you think the second note was higher than, the same as or lower than the first one. Some of the notes will sound like they're the same note - but listen closely and you'll hear a slight difference!

This playlist has many different videos that are playing different tones. Some are low and some are high. Which tone sounds the most pleasant to you? Do you prefer lower tones or higher tones? Make sure to write down which tone(s) you prefer so you will remember them for the form. You only need to listen to a few seconds of each tone before moving on to the next.

4. Fill out these forms and send them to your music teacher: