Investing in Kingdom Work

Perhaps you see that there is a great need to strengthen marriages and families.

Perhaps you see how God is using FamilyLife to meet that need.

Perhaps the Lord has placed it on your heart to partner with us...

As missionaries, we are very excited to invite YOU to join us. We have the privilege of building a team of partners who will give on a monthly basis (or other regular setting) to support our ministry and share these blessings with us. Some give at $100/month, some more than this and others less. However God leads, YOUR gift is important. The need is urgent, the workers are few and many marriages are depending on it.

Will you partner with us by making a meaningful monthly contribution?

Click here to go to our giving page on Cru's website to easily set up automatic monthly support using your credit card or electronic withdrawals from your bank account. Or, you may write a check each month if you prefer to provide your support without using the internet, just let us know and we'll mail you a letter with a return envelope. Annual gifts (or other intervals) can be scheduled as well if that works better for you.

However God leads you to partner with us, and at whatever amount, know that your investment will make a difference in reaching people for Christ and strengthening marriages and families.

Cru's Donation Services

All support for FamilyLife missionaries goes through Cru and into individual staff accounts. Your support is tax-deductible.

If you need to make changes to your donor account such as updating contact information or adjusting your monthly contribution, there are several ways to do this:

  • By phone: 1-888-Crusade (278-7233)

  • By email:

  • Online:

If you email Cru, send your requested change(s) along with your name, contact info and your donor account number (located on mail received from Cru; or contact us and we can look this up). Be sure to include the following for us: Bob & Pam Stelter, Staff Account #0635940.

Cru abides by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability standards of responsible stewardship in its management of donations. The stewardship guidelines and annual report for Cru are publically available online. Cru stands ready to assist individuals and couples with questions about other ways of support including stocks, non-cash gifts as well as other planned giving opportunities.