May 22 and 23, 2023!

SAiL will run after AP exams finish and before seniors leave. 

           "Putting the motivational wind behind the SAiLs of success"

SAiL Timeline (22-23)

SAiL 2020.mp4

What is SAiL?

Student Adventures in Learning (SAiL) is a 2-3 day program that provides Falmouth High School students a chance to explore and learn something not typically taught in school and improve leadership skills.  Our goal is to inspire students to take a step out of their comfort zone and explore what our community and Maine as a whole has to offer.  This year, SAiL will run Monday, May 22, and Tuesday, May 23 with some sessions having contact hours on Saturday (May 20) and/or Sunday (May 21).  Students, with the help of faculty and community members, will be able to lead sessions on topics they are passionate about. Previous sessions include a wide variety of topics including overnight hiking trips, special effects makeup, biking the Eastern Trail, archery, writer's workshops, salsa dancing, dog training, wilderness first aid, and the list goes on and on.  

SAiL Website Presentation

Our Mission Statement:

Through student-designed, multi-day sessions, SAiL provides non-traditional learning experiences, enhances student leadership skills, and strengthens relationships within our school and community.

Interested in leading a session this year? Sign up here.

What is SAiL like? Check it out here!

A comprehensive list of all proposed sessions 2019.