Award Categories

Best Film

Awarded to a film's director(s) for overall quality.

Best Acting

Awarded to an individual for their acting.

Best Supporting Role

Awarded to a second individual for their acting.

Peoples Choice

Awarded to the film most favored, by the audience

Best Cameo

Awarded to an individual for their cameo in another film

Best Editing

Awarded to an individual for the best overall aesthetic, composition, transitions, music, etc. that goes into editing

Best Trailer*

Awarded to a best trailer for a real or fictional film

Best Cinematography

Awarded for film's cinematography to its cinematographer(s)

Best Animation

Awarded to the best animated Film

Best* Documentary

Awarded to a best documentation in film form

Best Screenplay*

Awarded to a film's best written screenplay for their film presented

Best* Commercial

Awarded to the film that best depicts the promotion of a product, service, etc.

Best Sound Design

Awarded to the film with the best score, use of sound effects, or overall quality

Best Lighting Design

Awarded to a film's best use of light within their film

Best Costume* Design

Awarded to the film with the best costume and / or makeup used

*Excluded from 2022 Awards