3rd-4th Grade

1. All quarters 10 minute running clock. Clock only stops the last minute of the fourth quarter IF the score is within 10 points.

2. Overtime is two minutes, if second overtime is needed it will be sudden death.

3. You will sub every quarter as close as possible to the five minute mark. The game stops and a dead ball, ASK TO FOR SUBS

4. You will not sub on a timeout or at any other point during the quarter. The only exceptions beyond injury are at the directors discretion.

5. Every player gets six fouls before they foul out.

6. It is five seconds in the key.

7. No pressing.

8. No back court defense.

9. No double teaming unless in the key or a player is making a move into the key and help defense comes.

10. No stealing the dribble, you may only steal the pass.

11. All kids must play at least two full quarters.

12. Start every quarter by matching up the players at half court. Coaches mush help with this.

13. Half time will be four minutes.

14. Must line up and shake hands with the other team after the game.

15. A ref or site manager has the right to take any player off the court for behavior or health related issues.

16. Site manager has the right to remove any adult or child from the gym for behavioral issues.